What is a Gang? A Gang is a group of teens ...

What is a Gang:

A gang is usually a group of teens and young adults who spend much of their time together. They often plan how to carry out activities that usually involve violence. Gangs are known by particular names. They are organized with leaders and followers. Gangs usually claim a particular area of a city or town which they call their “turf”. They spend much of their time fighting rival gangs to keep them out of this territory.
Gangs Also:

Use special phrases, terms, or nicknames such as Shotgun, Loco, or Bounty Hunter. One term most gangs use is “stomping”- this means they use heavy boots to kick someone senseless. Mark or tattoo symbols or names on their bodies. Wear particular items, styles, brands, or colors of clothing. Some gangs wear bandannas of a certain color or baseball caps of a particular team. Use special hand signs or handshakes to great each other or tell others the gang to which they belong. Some gang members great other members by holding up two fingers. Failure to give proper gang hand signals could lead to a beating.

Source: http://www.hopefs.org/Behavior/TeensandGangs.html