Why do People like Adults, Youths, Kids boys & Girls Join Gang

Reasons Why Some Adults, Youths and Kids Join Gang
Some Join Gang just because they want to be accepted

Being a member of a gang usually gives them the feeling of being accepted or a part of something, like a family. Those who are considered as the leader of the group are the "parents" while the rest of the members are considered as part of the whole family. Sadly, most of the members are from broken homes. They turn into gangs to have another family where they think they would be recognized.

People Join Gang because they want to gain respect

Have you noticed how bully some of these gang members are? They want to get that respect that they can never have within their homes or within their old circle of friends. By having your "family" to back you up, you can have that power to get away from almost anything. People would fear you not because of your own personality but because of the gang that you have behind you.

Youths and Kids Join Gang because of Pressure from their peers

The gang life can start from peer pressure. If one of them joined the gang, he will try to influence others to be a part of this group as well. And because most of the adolescents have not figured out their own identity yet and all they care about is how their peers accept them, they were pushed to be one of them.

People Join Gang out of  curiosity

The life of a gang member is a mystery for some. They want to explore a whole new world filled with excitement, thrills, and even danger at the same time. There also other young men and women who join the group as a result of fascination. You cannot remove this fact if you want to know the various reasons why do people join gangs.

People Join Gang Due to financial needs

Whether young or old, gang members can also gain money as well through illegal activities. This is why gang life is considered to be very dangerous.


Read about  The World Most Dangerous Gang http://cripgangcodessymbolsknowledge.blogspot.com/2011/10/worlds-most-dangerous-gang.html