Crip History
What do you know about Crip History or Origin and History of Crip?
Crips began in 1969 in an area near the football field called the circle located on the campus of John C. Fremont highschool on San Pedro street in south central Los Angeles.
The original crip gang was 18 members strong and known as the Avenue Cribs.
They had an initiation song called "The rich have to cry , the poor have to cry" was a song played during a Fremont high football game.
They had a dress code and would wear things like Levi's , top hats ( also known as acey-duecy hats ) and carried walking would be the walking canes which would change history...because without those canes there would never have been Crips...and probably there would never have been bloods either. People began calling the Cribs cripples because of their walkin canes ...the word crippled was later shortened to Crip since Crib and Crip sound alike. The name stucc and never left. One of the original Avenues , Raymond Lee Washington spray painted a slogan on a highschool wall...the slogan read "chitty chitty bang bang , aint nuthin but a crip thang , crips dont die they multiply from the cradle to the grave". Also known as the Crips founder , Raymond Washington was murdered in 1979. He was 26 . As the phrase on his tombstone says " gone but not forgotten". How can anyone forget. The Crips gang is now worldwide and over a 500,000 strong. In California alone theres more than 150,000 Crips gang members.
(As told by some crab)