Blood Codes - Blood Ckodes
· AddictsPalato-beef
· All in dia family-got ox (?)
· All in together yall - UBN
· AK-47-I got beef with him
· AK47-Kill or murder
· All The Way Through-Keep in touch
Crip History part 2
In the aftermath of several murders by LAPD Criminal Conspiracy Section, Raymond Washington, (b. August 14, 1953- August 1979)a 15 year old youth who attended Fremont High School, Locke High School and who frequented the area of Washington High School in Los Angeles, got together a few youths and started a gang called the Baby Avenues. The Avenues was a gang of older youths who had been active since the early 1960's, and Raymond Washington, along with Stanley "Tookie" Williams, Jamiel Barnes several other youths looked-up to and admired the Avenue Boys. They attempted to preserve the Panther aura, so 1969 he created the baby Avenues, and to represent the new genreation of this quasi-political group he called it the Avenue Cribs, or Baby Avenues. The word Crip is a derivative of the word Crib. By early 1972, the use of "Crip" had been entrentched into Los Angeles Gang culture and the term Crib had been gradually phased out. In the early days there were not that many Crip gangs. Near Freemont High School there were the Eastside Crips, across the Harbor Freeway is where the Westside Crips were, and in Compton there were the Compton Crips. Raymond Washington had organized the beginnings of all these Crip sets, by hooking up with other youngsters like Stanley Williams and Jimel Barnes. By late 1971 the Avalon Garden Crips and the Inglewood Crips joined forces with the other crip sets. The Crips began to expand to non-Crip gang territories. The L.A. Brims which began in 1969 on the westside were a powerful street gang,but they were not Crips, and the Blood alliance had not been established. Several gangs which eventualy became part of the Blood family had already existed though. There were also the Piru Street Boys in Compton, the Bishops, Athens Park Boys and the Denver Lanes. The Pirus, which are Bloods now, actually hung out with the Crips prior to 1972. For a short time they were known as the Piru Street Crips, and they also wore the the traditional blue rags (bandana) as part of their attire. During the summer of 1972, the Crips from Compton, and the Pirus had a conflict, and an all out rumble ensued. The Pirus were out numbered, and the Crips prevailed. The Pirus wanted to terminate peaceful relations with the Crips so they turned to the Lueders Park Hustlers for back-up. They agreed and a meeting was called on Piru Street. The Crips had murdered an L.A. Brim member earlier that year, so the Pirus asked the Brims to attend the meeting too. Others that attended were the Denver Lanes, and the Bishops. How to combat Crip intimidation was discussed along with the creation of a new alliance to counter the Crips. At that time the color of bandannas was not important, but since the Crips were known to were blue bandanas, the Pirus and the other groups decided to discontinue the wearing of blue bandannas. They decided to take on the wearing of an opposite color, red, and created a united organization which later became known as the Bloods. The Pirus, Brims, Athens Park Boys, and Pueblos decided to unite with the Bloods, and soon after, other groups who had been threatened or attacked by Crips joined the Bloods. By 1980 there were 30,000 gangs members in Los Angeles County, and by 1982 gang members started to deal heavily in narcotics. Crack cocaine was a new drug and gang members were earning thousands of dollars literally over night. Throughout the 1980s homicides increased each year from 1985 to 1992, but after the Civil unrest of 1992 gang homicides remained stable.
Ver$ion 2
(A$ told by www.$treetgang$.com)
Crip History
Crip History
What do you know about Crip History or Origin and History of Crip?
Crips began in 1969 in an area near the football field called the circle located on the campus of John C. Fremont highschool on San Pedro street in south central Los Angeles.
The original crip gang was 18 members strong and known as the Avenue Cribs.
They had an initiation song called "The rich have to cry , the poor have to cry" was a song played during a Fremont high football game.
They had a dress code and would wear things like Levi's , top hats ( also known as acey-duecy hats ) and carried walking would be the walking canes which would change history...because without those canes there would never have been Crips...and probably there would never have been bloods either. People began calling the Cribs cripples because of their walkin canes ...the word crippled was later shortened to Crip since Crib and Crip sound alike. The name stucc and never left. One of the original Avenues , Raymond Lee Washington spray painted a slogan on a highschool wall...the slogan read "chitty chitty bang bang , aint nuthin but a crip thang , crips dont die they multiply from the cradle to the grave". Also known as the Crips founder , Raymond Washington was murdered in 1979. He was 26 . As the phrase on his tombstone says " gone but not forgotten". How can anyone forget. The Crips gang is now worldwide and over a 500,000 strong. In California alone theres more than 150,000 Crips gang members.
(As told by some crab)
Crip codes,
Crip History,
Crip Origin
Gang Stalking - What is Gang Stalking?
What is Gang Stalking?
Gang Stalking is a systemic form of control, which seeks to control every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. Gang Stalking has many similarities to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. It called Gang Stalking, because the target is followed around and placed under intrusive and directed surveillance by groups of organised "Covert Human Intelligence Sources" also known as Citizen Informants 24/7. Using anti-terror laws to spy on ordinary people.
Who is the target for Gang Stalking?
Many Targeted Individuals are harassed and placed under surveillance in this way for months or even years before they realise that they are being targeted by an organised protocol of harassment.
What Happens during Gang Stalking?
What happens during this Gang Stalking surveillance is very similar to what happened to many innocent individuals in the former East Germany or Activists and Dissidents in Russia. Many innocent people in the former East Germany would be targeted for these harassment programs, and then their friends, family, and the community at large would be used to monitor, prosecute, and harass them. In Russia it was used by the state to declare activist, dissidents or anyone they thought to be an enemy of the state as mentally unfit and many were institutionalised using this form of systemic control.
What is the Closest Thing To Gang Stalking
The closest thing to Gang Stalking that democratic countries have seen before this is McCarthyism, Cointelpro, and RED SQUAD programs. Red Squad programs were used for monitoring, and harassment of various groups. They have been in place for over a hundred years, and they also employed Covert Human Intelligence Sources.
Civilian Spies, also known as "Covert Human Intelligence Sources" are recruited from every level and sector of society. Just like with Cointelpro investigations, everyone in the targets life is made a part of this ongoing never ending, systemic psychological harassment and manipulation of the target. These actions are specifically designed to control the target and to keep them in line. These actions are also designed to destroy the target over years, make them look crazy and leave them with no form of support.
For the targets of this harassment, Gang Stalking is experienced as a covert psychological, emotional and physical attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying a target over time. For the state it’s a way to keep the targets in line, control them, or destroy them.
Worldwide programs of control and conformity have been used with equal success and lethality. What we are seeing now is a global co-ordinated and organised effort of control and conformity. Many countries around the world are currently using a model of policing called: Community Oriented Policing. It's described as a systemic approach to policing. It focuses on instilling a sense of community within a geographically located neighborhood. Communities come together and discuss what values they would like to have in their community, community development, and it's also a time to discuss any problems that might be happening in a specific area. If a problem is identified an investigation might be opened. These local programs in many countries have been forming partnerships with other government run programs at, provincial, state and federal levels. Reports of Gang Stalking are not only coming in from democratic countries, but they are coming in from many other countries as well.
The modern day systemic form of control could only be funded at higher governmental levels, just like it has in other societies where these similar types of harassment programs have been implemented. It's all part of a system of control and conformity that has been in place for many years. A system of control with many local groups and appendages taking part.
What are the goals of Gang Stalking?
The goal is to isolate the target from all forms of support, so that the target can be set up in the future for arrest, institutionalisation, or forced suicide. Other goals of this harassment is to destroy the targets reputation and credibility. Make the target look crazy or unstable.
Other goals involve sensitizing the target to every day stimuli’s as a form of control, which is used to control targets when they get out of line. Once the target is sensitized, the Citizen Informants have an easier time identifying the Targeted Individual in public.
These programs are designed to make the targets of this harassment vulnerable, they want to make them destitute. The secondary goals seems to be to make the target homeless, jobless, give them a breakdown, and the primary goals seems to be to drive the target to forced suicide, just like what they did with some of the targets of Cointelpro. It's a useful way of eliminating perceived enemies of the state.
Who gets targeted in Gang Stalking?
Targeting can happen to anyone in society. In the past primary targets of programs such as Cointelpro have been minorities. Targeting however can happen to anyone. Individuals are often targeted for being outspoken, whistle blowers, dissidents, people who go up against wealthy corporations, woman’s groups, (single) women, anti-war proponents, individuals identified or targeted as problems at these community meetings, and other innocent individuals. The majority of the targets are often not aware that they are being targeted in this way. When a target moves, changes jobs, the harassment still continues. Every time the target moves, the same information, lies, and slander will be spread out into the new community and the systemic monitoring and harassment will continue. Traits of those targeted
Who takes part in Gang Stalking?
People from all walks of life are being recruited to be the eyes and ears of the state. People from all races, ages, genders. Every sector of society that you can think of is a part of this. Civilian Spies/Snitches include, but are not limited to: General labourers, the wealthy, bikers, drug dealers, drug users, street people, punks, hip hop culture, KKK, black activists, church groups, youth groups, Fire Fighters, police officers, lawyers, health care workers, store keepers, maids, janitors, cable installers, phone repair persons, mail carriers, locksmiths, electricians, etc. There really is no minimum or maximum age range. An article came out recently in the Uk, saying they were recruiting children as young as eight years old to be Covert Human Intelligence Sources.
Some of these citizens might be recruited via programs such as, Citizen Corp, Weed and Seed, Citizens On Phone Patrol, (COPP), City Watch, T.I.P.S. Many started with good intentions to help patrol and monitor their cities and neighbourhoods. Others are recruited via their families, others at school, others at work. Since every sector, class, race in society takes part, recruitment is multi-faceted.
Many do not understand or care that the end consequence of this harassment protocol is to destroy a person.
Why people participate in Gang Stalking?
There are many reasons that someone takes part in this activity.
1. Some do it for the sense of power that it gives them.
2. Others do this as a way to make friends and keep friends. It’s something social and fun for them to do. Many in society use the one handed sign language to communicate and it's very effective in breaking down race, gender, age, social barriers.
3. Others are forced or black mailed by the State or the police into taking part.
4. They are told that they are part of homeland or national security and being used to help keep and eye on dangerous or emotionally disturbed individuals. They see themselves as heroic spies for the state.
Civilian spies can come from a variety of different programs such as the Citizen Corp, Citizen On Phone Patrol COPP, Weed and Seed, T.I.P.S., City Watch or some other centralized government program used for patrolling and monitoring cities.
5. Others are just local thugs or Informants who are already being used for other activities, and their energies are just diverted over into these community spy programs. Eg. Some may be given the choice of Spying for the State or the police vs going to jail.
6. Others are told outright lies and slander about the target to get them to go along with ruining the targets life.
7. Many are however just average citizens who have been recruited by the state the same way citizens were recruited in the former East Germany and other countries. It's the way the society is.
What are some techniques used against targets?
A few of the most common techniques are listed below.
a) Classical conditioning.
Getting a Targeted Individual sensitized to an everyday stimuli. The targeted individual over a period of months, or even years is negatively sensitised to an everyday stimuli, which is then used to harass them. It’s used out in public to let them know they are constantly being harassed and monitored. Some examples of everyday stimulus that might be used include: sounds, colors, patterns, actions. Eg. Red, white, yellow, strips, pens clicking, key jangling, loud coughing, loud whistling, loud smacking of clapping of hands together, cell phones, laptops, etc.
b) 24/7 Surveillance This will involve following the target everywhere they go. Learning about the target. Where they shop, work, play, who their friends and family are. Getting close to the target, moving into the community or apartment where they live, across the street. Monitoring the targets phone, house, and computer activity. Surveillance Policy.
c) Isolation of said target.
This is done via slander campaigns, and lies. Eg. People in the targets community are told that the target is a thief, into drugs, a prostitute, pedophile, crazy, in trouble for something, needs to be watched. Files will even be produced on the target, shown to neighbours, family, store keepers.
d) Noise and mimicking campaigns.
Disrupting the targets life, sleep with loud power tools, construction, stereos, doors slamming, etc. Talking in public about private things in the targets life. Mimicking actions of the target. Basically letting the target know that they are in the targets life. Daily interferences, nothing that would be too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over time.
e) Everyday life breaks and street theatre.
Flat tires, sleep deprivation, drugging food, putting dirt on targets property. Mass strangers doing things in public to annoy targets. These strangers might get text messaged to be at a specific time and place, and perform a specific action.
It might seem harmless to these Citizen Informants, but it could be causing great psychological trauma for the target. Eg. Blocking targets path, getting ahead of them in line, cutting or boxing them in on the road, saying or doing things to elicit a response from targets. Etc. It's like the death of a thousand paper cuts. One or two minor incidents will not cause any harm to the target, but over time the target is slowly worn down.
Where does the support or funding for this come from?
Though Gang Stalking itself is immoral and unethical in nature, programs such as this in democratic countries, and none democratic countries have always been funded by the Government. They are the only ones with enough money, coordination, and power to keep such a system in place. These Co-ordinated efforts then join hands with others for this systemic form of control and harassment.
"Ruling the community with an iron fist. “Savvy law enforcement types realized that under the community policing rubric, cops, community groups, local companies, private foundations, citizen informants and federal agencies could form alliances without causing public outcry.” Covert Action Quarterly, summer 1997.”
Ruling the community
What can you do to help?
1. If you know someone who is being targeted in this way please don’t go along with it. Don’t assume that the person is guilty or a bad person. Many innocent people are currently being targeted, and people are being told lies. This form of harassment is systemic and it's about state control and conformity. The express goal of this harassment is to destroy the individual over time.
2. If you are aware of someone being harassed in this way, subtly direct them to websites that deal with Gang Stalking, or sites for Targeted Individuals. Knowledge is power.
3. You can subtly offer your support to someone who is being unfairly treated, in very small little ways.
4. You can bring up the subject of Gang Stalking or Targeted Individuals.
6. You can subtly suggest that your local newspapers or community papers print articles about Targeted Individuals or even an write an objective piece about Gang Stalking.
How do participants communicate?
Communicate happens in a number of ways. When on the street or in cars patrolling, they use baseball or Stasi like signals. Citizen Informants also seem to get verbal ques via cellphone and earphones.
These include things like tapping the side of the nose, corner of the eye, brushing back the hair 3 times, the infamous double blink, etc.
Here is a list of signals that the former East German Secret Police the Stasi used.
1. Watch out! Subject is coming - touch nose with hand or handkerchief
2. Subject is moving on, going further, or overtaking - stroke hair with hand, or raise hat briefly
3. Subject standing still - lay one hand against back, or on stomach
4. Observing Agent wishes to terminate observation because cover threatened - bend and retie shoelaces
5. Subject returning - both hands against back, or on stomach
6. Observing Agent wishes to speak with Team Leader or other Observing Agents - take out briefcase or equivalent and examine contents.
1. Protectors of Privilege: Red Squads
2. Anna Funder “Stasiland”
3. Victor Santoro “GASLIGHTING How To Drive Your Enemies Crazy “
4. Alex Constantine “The Covert War Against Rock”
5. Jim Redden “Snitch Culture”
6. Frank Donner “The Age of surveillance”
7. Kristina Borjesson "Into the Buzzsaw"
8. Niki F. Raapana "2020"
9. Community Oriented Policing. A Systemic approch.
10. Naomi Wolf. "The End of America.
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
History of Press Gang
As I was born and bred in Portsmouth, England which is the home of the Royal Navy, I thought I would write about the press gang and its history. Some commentators have called press gangs an urban myth but researching its history has taught me that press gangs really did impress merchant seaman and unemployed sailors. In England, impressment began as early as the Anglo-Saxon period and was used extensively by the Royal Navy under Elizabeth I, Charles I, and Oliver Cromwell.
"Press gangs" forcibly seized and carried individuals into service in wartime, as a means of crewing English warships, although legal sanction for the practice goes back officially to the time of Edward I of England.
The Impress Service was formed to force sailors to serve on naval vessels (there was no concept of joining the navy as a fixed career path for non-officers at the time), seamen were attached to ships for the duration of its commission. They were encouraged to stay in the Navy after the commission but could leave to seek other employment when the ship was paid off.
Impressment was based on the legal power of the King to call men to military service, as well as to recruit volunteers (who were paid a bounty upon joining, unlike pressed men). it flourished in port towns everywhere, as "recruiters" searched through waterfront boardinghouses, brothels, and taverns. They often chose vagabonds or prisoners. Impressed men were forced into service through violence or coercion and were held to their duty by brutal discipline.
The Royal Navy impressed many British merchant sailors, as well as some sailors from other nations. People liable to impressment were eligible men of seafaring habits between the ages of 18 and 45 years, though, albeit rarely, non-seaman were impressed as well.
In Elizabethan times impressment as a form of recruitment became a statute and with the introduction of the Vagrancy Act in 1597, men of disrepute were drafted into service.
In 1703 an act was passed limiting the impressment of men to only those under 18 years of age. A further act in 1740 raised the age to 55. Although no foreigner could be pressed, if they married a British woman, or had worked on a British merchant ship for two years they lost their protection. Some governments, including Britain, issued "Protections" against impressment which had to be carried on the person at all times but in times of crisis the Admiralty would order a "Hot Press" which meant that no one was exempt.
Military Uniform
BDU, ACU, M65 Jacket, Pullover... China Professional Producer
The press gang would try to find men aged between 15 and 55 with seafaring or river-boat experience but this was not essential and those with no experience were called "Landsmen". From 1740, Landsmen were legally exempt from impressment but this was ignored in wartime unless the person seized was an apprentice or a "gentleman". Two Landsmen were considered by captains to be the equivalent of an Able Seamen. If a Landsman was able to prove his status to the Admiralty he was usually released. A man in the street would first be asked to volunteer and if he refused he was often plied with alcohol or simply knocked out and taken. A commonly held belief of a trick used in taverns was to surreptitiously drop a Kings shilling ("Prest Money") into his drink as by "finding" the shilling in his possession he was deemed to have volunteered, and that this led to some tavern owners putting glass bottoms in their tankards. However, this is another urban legend; press officers were subject to fines for using trickery and a volunteer had a "cooling-off" period in which to change his mind.
One of the largest impressment operations occurred in the spring of 1757 in New York City, then still under British colonial rule. Three thousand British soldiers cordoned off the city, and plucked clean the taverns and other sailors' gathering places. "All kinds of tradesmen and Negroes" were hauled in, nearly eight hundred in all. Four hundred of these were "retained in the service."
The Royal Navy also used impressment extensively in British North America from 1775 to 1815. Its press gangs sparked resistance, riots, and political turmoil in seaports such as Halifax, St John's, and Quebec City. Nevertheless, the Royal Navy extended the reach of its press gangs into coastal areas of British North America by the early nineteenth century. In response, sailors and residents fought back with a range of tactics. They sometimes reacted violently.
The riots in St John's in 1794 and Halifax in 1805 led to a prohibition on impressment on shore for much of the Napoleonic Wars. The protest came from a wide swath of the urban community, including elites, rather than just the vulnerable sailors, and had a lasting negative impact on civil–naval relations in what became Canada. The local communities did not encourage their young men to volunteer for the Royal Navy.
In addition to impressment, England also used the quota System (or The Quod) from 1795 to 1815, whereby each county was required to supply a certain number of volunteers, based on its population and the number of its seaports. Unlike impressment, the Quota System often resulted in criminals serving on board ships as counties who failed to meet their quota offered prisoners the option of completing their sentence or volunteering.
Impressment was strongly criticized by those who believed it to be contrary to the English constitution; at the time, unlike many of its continental rivals, England did not conscript its subjects for any other military service, aside from a brief experiment with army impressment in 1778 to 1780. Though the public opposed conscription in general, impressment was repeatedly upheld by the courts, as it was deemed vital to the strength of the navy and, by extension, to the survival of the realm.
The Royal Navy also impressed seamen from inbound British merchant ships at sea, though this was done by individual warships, rather than the Impress Service. Impressment, particularly press gangs, were consistently unpopular with the British public (as well as in the American colonies), and local officials often acted against them, to the point of imprisoning officers from the Impressment Service, or opposing them by force of arms.
The impressment of seamen from American ships caused serious tensions between England and the United States in the years leading up to the war of 1812 when England burnt down the old White House. After the defeat of Napoleon in 1814, England ended the practice, and it has never been resumed.
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
Why do People like Adults, Youths, Kids boys & Girls Join Gang
Reasons Why Some Adults, Youths and Kids Join Gang
Some Join Gang just because they want to be accepted
Being a member of a gang usually gives them the feeling of being accepted or a part of something, like a family. Those who are considered as the leader of the group are the "parents" while the rest of the members are considered as part of the whole family. Sadly, most of the members are from broken homes. They turn into gangs to have another family where they think they would be recognized.
People Join Gang because they want to gain respect
Have you noticed how bully some of these gang members are? They want to get that respect that they can never have within their homes or within their old circle of friends. By having your "family" to back you up, you can have that power to get away from almost anything. People would fear you not because of your own personality but because of the gang that you have behind you.
Youths and Kids Join Gang because of Pressure from their peers
The gang life can start from peer pressure. If one of them joined the gang, he will try to influence others to be a part of this group as well. And because most of the adolescents have not figured out their own identity yet and all they care about is how their peers accept them, they were pushed to be one of them.
People Join Gang out of curiosity
The life of a gang member is a mystery for some. They want to explore a whole new world filled with excitement, thrills, and even danger at the same time. There also other young men and women who join the group as a result of fascination. You cannot remove this fact if you want to know the various reasons why do people join gangs.
People Join Gang Due to financial needs
Whether young or old, gang members can also gain money as well through illegal activities. This is why gang life is considered to be very dangerous.
Read about The World Most Dangerous Gang
The World's Most Dangerous Gang is MS-13
The World's Most Dangerous Gang
Reviews of the Word Most Dangerous Gang by Kyle Tolle
You've probably heard about high profile gangs that make up some of the American landscape and those would include some like the Crips, Bloods, Hell's Angels, Mexican Mafia, The Latin Kings, Chinese Triads, Japanese Yakuza, and Skinheads. These are just a few and they are all notorious in their own right but there is an even more insidious gang that is growing at a frightful rate on a global scale.
In the 1980's in Los Angeles, the gang MS -13 came from humble beginnings but now spreads across 33 different states in America and 6 different countries around the world. The estimated numbers are ten thousand members in the United States and up to one hundred thousand worldwide. It seems like virtually no communities are left untouched by their presence as they expand like a plague through urban and rural settings.
MS -13 is touted as the fastest growing and most violent gang in America at the present time. They have their own culture and abide by a set of rules and rituals that they follow to the letter. Enforcing these measures, protecting their turf, and conducting day to day business oftentimes means using murder, maiming, and other brutalities to accomplish whatever they need to. They are made up of individual cliques inside distinct territories that govern themselves but there is evidence of a top hierarchy that has influences down through the ranks. Organization in criminal activities appears to be well structured also and money is made from drug smuggling and dealing, extorting protection money, gun running, and other illicit affairs.
National Geographic has put together a detailed, informative, and scary documentary that is well supported with interviews from law enforcement officials and past and present members of the MS -13 gang. This program does contain graphic video footage and some disturbing images but it is not excessive in my opinion and I see it as a necessary element in supporting the overall messages here.
Salvatrucha, is a valid documentary, that seems to have been a
maverick project, on a shoe string budget for National Geographic.
It's pleasant to watch, from a wide-screen, sharp filming quality
throughout, and also with the surreal footage of actual
neighborhood gangster driving around their block and giving a tour
to the reporter, and commenting on their protection racket, how
hotdog and fries, Mom and Pop stores have to cough up half of their
profits to them, or how amphetamines are big business and
contribute to a lot of profits.
A fair bit of time is spent dispelling the notion that it is safe
to be a stool pigeon for the FBI, and so on, as it tells the
biography of a former member who tried to leave the movement, but
naively, wrecklessly and clumsily got caught by other gangsters as
being a confidential informant.
It's very comprehensive, and the MS13 aspect to it, doesn't
necessarily dominate, as the extras section discusses the history
behind gangs and goes over a litany of them, such as Al Capone,
Lucy Lucciano, Jesse James, 40 Thieves, 5 Points Gang of NYC,
Bloods, Crips, Latin Kings, Vice Lords, Outlaws (Biker gang in the
Great Lakes area), Hells Angles, Los Reinos, 18 Street, Mexican M,
Skinheads, Asian Triads, Camorra, La Cosa Nostra, Genovese, Black
Hand, Yakuza, Gangster Disciples, People's Nation, Folk Nation,
Bugsy Siegel, Oriental Lazy Boys, and more. It refers to the
National Gang Intelligence Center, and various measures in dealing
with gangs.
It also is admittedly apologetic, about gangs, in terms of their
value in assisting migrants, illegal and legal, in adapting to the
new homeland, for protection against discrimination, identity and
power and social networking. Various examples are given, such as
the Irish, Mexican, Sicilian or Italian, Asian, Blacks, Porto
Rican, and others, for example.
Overall, it's valuable as a school-grade presentation, mostly.
You can watch video of the Most Dangerous Gang, MS-13 in this documentary in the link below
Reviews of the Word Most Dangerous Gang by Kyle Tolle
You've probably heard about high profile gangs that make up some of the American landscape and those would include some like the Crips, Bloods, Hell's Angels, Mexican Mafia, The Latin Kings, Chinese Triads, Japanese Yakuza, and Skinheads. These are just a few and they are all notorious in their own right but there is an even more insidious gang that is growing at a frightful rate on a global scale.
In the 1980's in Los Angeles, the gang MS -13 came from humble beginnings but now spreads across 33 different states in America and 6 different countries around the world. The estimated numbers are ten thousand members in the United States and up to one hundred thousand worldwide. It seems like virtually no communities are left untouched by their presence as they expand like a plague through urban and rural settings.
MS -13 is touted as the fastest growing and most violent gang in America at the present time. They have their own culture and abide by a set of rules and rituals that they follow to the letter. Enforcing these measures, protecting their turf, and conducting day to day business oftentimes means using murder, maiming, and other brutalities to accomplish whatever they need to. They are made up of individual cliques inside distinct territories that govern themselves but there is evidence of a top hierarchy that has influences down through the ranks. Organization in criminal activities appears to be well structured also and money is made from drug smuggling and dealing, extorting protection money, gun running, and other illicit affairs.
National Geographic has put together a detailed, informative, and scary documentary that is well supported with interviews from law enforcement officials and past and present members of the MS -13 gang. This program does contain graphic video footage and some disturbing images but it is not excessive in my opinion and I see it as a necessary element in supporting the overall messages here.
Review of The worlds most dangerous gang by Pork Chop
WORLD'S MOST IMPORTANT GANG (2006), referring to MS13 or Mara Salvatrucha, is a valid documentary, that seems to have been a
maverick project, on a shoe string budget for National Geographic.
It's pleasant to watch, from a wide-screen, sharp filming quality
throughout, and also with the surreal footage of actual
neighborhood gangster driving around their block and giving a tour
to the reporter, and commenting on their protection racket, how
hotdog and fries, Mom and Pop stores have to cough up half of their
profits to them, or how amphetamines are big business and
contribute to a lot of profits.
A fair bit of time is spent dispelling the notion that it is safe
to be a stool pigeon for the FBI, and so on, as it tells the
biography of a former member who tried to leave the movement, but
naively, wrecklessly and clumsily got caught by other gangsters as
being a confidential informant.
It's very comprehensive, and the MS13 aspect to it, doesn't
necessarily dominate, as the extras section discusses the history
behind gangs and goes over a litany of them, such as Al Capone,
Lucy Lucciano, Jesse James, 40 Thieves, 5 Points Gang of NYC,
Bloods, Crips, Latin Kings, Vice Lords, Outlaws (Biker gang in the
Great Lakes area), Hells Angles, Los Reinos, 18 Street, Mexican M,
Skinheads, Asian Triads, Camorra, La Cosa Nostra, Genovese, Black
Hand, Yakuza, Gangster Disciples, People's Nation, Folk Nation,
Bugsy Siegel, Oriental Lazy Boys, and more. It refers to the
National Gang Intelligence Center, and various measures in dealing
with gangs.
It also is admittedly apologetic, about gangs, in terms of their
value in assisting migrants, illegal and legal, in adapting to the
new homeland, for protection against discrimination, identity and
power and social networking. Various examples are given, such as
the Irish, Mexican, Sicilian or Italian, Asian, Blacks, Porto
Rican, and others, for example.
Overall, it's valuable as a school-grade presentation, mostly.
You can watch video of the Most Dangerous Gang, MS-13 in this documentary in the link below
The MS13 gang, aka Mara Salvatrucha 13, is one of the most violently dangerous gangs in the United States – and one of the most organized. The MS13gang has cliques, or factions, located throughout the United States and is unique in that it retains is ties to its El Salvador counterparts. With cliques in Washington DC, Oregon, Alaska, Arkansas, Texas, Nevada, Utah, Oklahoma, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Canada, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, and several other South American countries, the MS13 gang is truly “international” and on the verge of becoming the first gang to be categorized as an “organized crime” entity.
This documentary about MS13 shows the live of MS13 gang-members, their lives and their believes.
MS13 – Worlds most Dangerous Gang
Most Dangerous Gang in the World,
facts, Quiz and more information about Gangs
Want to survive?-lose your identity.
Only followers have a chance of surviving in a gang. You will have to follow stricter rules than you ever would at school or home.
Here are the facts:
a top gang leader is usually one whom the others fear the most
gang rules and the leader’s orders must be obeyed-no questions asked
you get “promoted” in a gang by staying in it and by carrying out violent acts-like robbery or murder
“wanna-bes” act and dress like gang members.
Break gang rules-the punishment is death:
The day you join a gang you have to swear a “blood oath”-a promise to obey all the rules.
What happens if you break your promise? The punishment could be death. In fact, when you join a gang you will be told to plan your funeral in advance.
Gangs force people to break the law. Gangs peat up people. Gangs kill people. They are not there to help you.
There are no good reasons to join a gang:
1) Everybody is in a gang;
Wrong. At least 93 percent of all teenagers are not in gangs.
2) It’s a good way to make money:
Wrong. Gang members usually don’t get and education, so they can’t find well-paying jobs. They often end up in prison. And employers don’t like to hire people who have arrest records. Over a lifetime, gang members make far less money than those who are not in gangs.
3) It makes you more popular:
Wrong. Most other kids will think that you are too dangerous to hang out with. And the only friends you may have will be some of the kids who are in your own gang. You will have lots of enemies - all the members of rival gangs.
4) You have to join a gang for protection.
Wrong. Being in a gang increases your chances of being injured or killed. For example, last year in Los Angeles, 70 percent of the teens who were shot were gang members.
When you join a gang:
1) You commit to a life of crime and violence.
2) You gain instant enemies -- the members of rival gangs .
3) You won’t do well in school -- which means you will not be able to find a good job as an adult.
4) You will receive a final reward -- an early death.
A gang is not a family.
Why do teens join gangs?
Gang members are from both poor and wealthy neighborhoods and from big cities and small rural towns. What causes some teens to join gangs?
Most teen gang members have been forced to join. They have no choice -- they either join a gang or get hurt or killed.
They may come from broken homes and are looking for more family security.
They may be looking for acceptance. They don’t think anyone values them as human beings.
They are bored.
They think gangs will provide them things they value most -- expensive sneakers, leather jackets, gold rings, etc.
Gangs take advantage of all this. Gangs promise teens that they will take them in and take care of them – just like a family.
Gangs only offer false promises.
Here are some real things gang members are often asked to do:
Hurt or kill innocent people.
Perform heterosexual or homosexual acts, or both.
Allow yourself to be beat up in order to join the family.
Put yourself in danger of injury, disease, prison, and death.
Would a caring family ask you to do these things?
Gangs affect everyone.
Gangs harm communities by:
Dealing drugs in their neighborhoods. Rival gangs fight for control so communities turn into war zones. Innocent people are injured or die in gang shoot-outs.
Threatening local business owners and forcing them to pay money for protection.
Defacing buildings with spray paint. Gang members often use graffiti to warn rival gangs to stay out of the area.
Beating up or killing people in their neighborhoods.
In some places, gangs operate in schools. Gang members may:
Force other kids to join gangs.
Make kids pay protection money or face being beat up
Steal or destroy school property
Create a climate of fear to intimidate students and staff
Start fights and beat up kids
Gangs are always trying to get new members.
Gangs must expand into larger areas in order to thrive. As gangs expand, they force innocent people to join
Gangs need new members to replace ones that go to jail
Some gang members move out of the cities to look for new places where they can carry out their illegal activities. They still sell drugs and recruit new gang members.
Stay out of gangs.
Here are some things you can do to keep from being involved with gangs.
If you are threatened by gang members, don’t overreact. Stay cool and try not to act scared.
Ignore their threats or state that you have no argument with gang members.
If the threats continue, tell your parents, the police, or school officials. They can – and will – take steps to protect you.
Don’t dress or act like you want to join a gang.
You may be able to use peer pressure to oppose gangs in your school. If you can get other kids to stand with you, a group of kids may be able to keep gangs from causing trouble in school.
You have a choice.
When it comes down to it, staying out of a gang is up to you.
Think about what you really want out of life.
Involve yourself in things you enjoy: sports, after-school recreation programs, YMCA programs, summer jobs, clubs, scouts, volunteer groups.
Set goals and make plans as to what you want to do in the future. Tell others about your goals.
What is your life worth?
Joining a gang can cost you more than you think.
What do you really know about gangs?
Gangs have no good purpose. They are groups of violent youths who terrorize other gang members and innocent people. Many teens are misled into joining gangs because they think it will improve their lives.
Take the quiz below to find out how much you know about gangs.
T F 1) gangs are only located in large cities.
T F 2) to prove themselves, new members often must beat an innocent person, rob a store, or shoot someone.
T F 3) most gang members plan their funerals in advance.
T F 4) today, most teens belong to gangs.
T F 5) gang members treat each other like “family”.
T F 6) most teen gang members have been forced to join.
What could you do if a gang member tried to pressure you into joining a gang?
Only followers have a chance of surviving in a gang. You will have to follow stricter rules than you ever would at school or home.
Here are the facts:
a top gang leader is usually one whom the others fear the most
gang rules and the leader’s orders must be obeyed-no questions asked
you get “promoted” in a gang by staying in it and by carrying out violent acts-like robbery or murder
“wanna-bes” act and dress like gang members.
Break gang rules-the punishment is death:
The day you join a gang you have to swear a “blood oath”-a promise to obey all the rules.
What happens if you break your promise? The punishment could be death. In fact, when you join a gang you will be told to plan your funeral in advance.
Gangs force people to break the law. Gangs peat up people. Gangs kill people. They are not there to help you.
There are no good reasons to join a gang:
1) Everybody is in a gang;
Wrong. At least 93 percent of all teenagers are not in gangs.
2) It’s a good way to make money:
Wrong. Gang members usually don’t get and education, so they can’t find well-paying jobs. They often end up in prison. And employers don’t like to hire people who have arrest records. Over a lifetime, gang members make far less money than those who are not in gangs.
3) It makes you more popular:
Wrong. Most other kids will think that you are too dangerous to hang out with. And the only friends you may have will be some of the kids who are in your own gang. You will have lots of enemies - all the members of rival gangs.
4) You have to join a gang for protection.
Wrong. Being in a gang increases your chances of being injured or killed. For example, last year in Los Angeles, 70 percent of the teens who were shot were gang members.
When you join a gang:
1) You commit to a life of crime and violence.
2) You gain instant enemies -- the members of rival gangs .
3) You won’t do well in school -- which means you will not be able to find a good job as an adult.
4) You will receive a final reward -- an early death.
A gang is not a family.
Why do teens join gangs?
Gang members are from both poor and wealthy neighborhoods and from big cities and small rural towns. What causes some teens to join gangs?
Most teen gang members have been forced to join. They have no choice -- they either join a gang or get hurt or killed.
They may come from broken homes and are looking for more family security.
They may be looking for acceptance. They don’t think anyone values them as human beings.
They are bored.
They think gangs will provide them things they value most -- expensive sneakers, leather jackets, gold rings, etc.
Gangs take advantage of all this. Gangs promise teens that they will take them in and take care of them – just like a family.
Gangs only offer false promises.
Here are some real things gang members are often asked to do:
Hurt or kill innocent people.
Perform heterosexual or homosexual acts, or both.
Allow yourself to be beat up in order to join the family.
Put yourself in danger of injury, disease, prison, and death.
Would a caring family ask you to do these things?
Gangs affect everyone.
Gangs harm communities by:
Dealing drugs in their neighborhoods. Rival gangs fight for control so communities turn into war zones. Innocent people are injured or die in gang shoot-outs.
Threatening local business owners and forcing them to pay money for protection.
Defacing buildings with spray paint. Gang members often use graffiti to warn rival gangs to stay out of the area.
Beating up or killing people in their neighborhoods.
In some places, gangs operate in schools. Gang members may:
Force other kids to join gangs.
Make kids pay protection money or face being beat up
Steal or destroy school property
Create a climate of fear to intimidate students and staff
Start fights and beat up kids
Gangs are always trying to get new members.
Gangs must expand into larger areas in order to thrive. As gangs expand, they force innocent people to join
Gangs need new members to replace ones that go to jail
Some gang members move out of the cities to look for new places where they can carry out their illegal activities. They still sell drugs and recruit new gang members.
Stay out of gangs.
Here are some things you can do to keep from being involved with gangs.
If you are threatened by gang members, don’t overreact. Stay cool and try not to act scared.
Ignore their threats or state that you have no argument with gang members.
If the threats continue, tell your parents, the police, or school officials. They can – and will – take steps to protect you.
Don’t dress or act like you want to join a gang.
You may be able to use peer pressure to oppose gangs in your school. If you can get other kids to stand with you, a group of kids may be able to keep gangs from causing trouble in school.
You have a choice.
When it comes down to it, staying out of a gang is up to you.
Think about what you really want out of life.
Involve yourself in things you enjoy: sports, after-school recreation programs, YMCA programs, summer jobs, clubs, scouts, volunteer groups.
Set goals and make plans as to what you want to do in the future. Tell others about your goals.
What is your life worth?
Joining a gang can cost you more than you think.
What do you really know about gangs?
Gangs have no good purpose. They are groups of violent youths who terrorize other gang members and innocent people. Many teens are misled into joining gangs because they think it will improve their lives.
Take the quiz below to find out how much you know about gangs.
T F 1) gangs are only located in large cities.
T F 2) to prove themselves, new members often must beat an innocent person, rob a store, or shoot someone.
T F 3) most gang members plan their funerals in advance.
T F 4) today, most teens belong to gangs.
T F 5) gang members treat each other like “family”.
T F 6) most teen gang members have been forced to join.
What could you do if a gang member tried to pressure you into joining a gang?
Joining a gang is like stepping into the terror zone-a world
Join a gang-step into the terror zone:
Joining a gang is like stepping into the terror zone-a world where beatings and shootings happen all the time.
To join:
Boys usually have to fight several other gang members at the same time-this is called being “rolled-in” or “walking the line”.
Girls may be forced to have sex with several gang members or fight other female gang members.
To “prove themselves”, new members may also have to beat up an innocent person, rob a store, or shoot someone in a drive-by shooting.
Joining a gang is like stepping into the terror zone-a world where beatings and shootings happen all the time.
To join:
Boys usually have to fight several other gang members at the same time-this is called being “rolled-in” or “walking the line”.
Girls may be forced to have sex with several gang members or fight other female gang members.
To “prove themselves”, new members may also have to beat up an innocent person, rob a store, or shoot someone in a drive-by shooting.
What do gangs do?
The truth about life in a gang:
What do gangs do?
A gang makes money by carrying out illegal activities. They get most of their money by:
dealing illegal drugs
forcing people to pay protection money
robbing people and stores
selling stolen goods
trading illegal weapons.
What do gangs do?
A gang makes money by carrying out illegal activities. They get most of their money by:
dealing illegal drugs
forcing people to pay protection money
robbing people and stores
selling stolen goods
trading illegal weapons.
What do Gangs do
What is a Gang? A Gang is a group of teens ...
What is a Gang:
A gang is usually a group of teens and young adults who spend much of their time together. They often plan how to carry out activities that usually involve violence. Gangs are known by particular names. They are organized with leaders and followers. Gangs usually claim a particular area of a city or town which they call their “turf”. They spend much of their time fighting rival gangs to keep them out of this territory.
Gangs Also:
Use special phrases, terms, or nicknames such as Shotgun, Loco, or Bounty Hunter. One term most gangs use is “stomping”- this means they use heavy boots to kick someone senseless. Mark or tattoo symbols or names on their bodies. Wear particular items, styles, brands, or colors of clothing. Some gangs wear bandannas of a certain color or baseball caps of a particular team. Use special hand signs or handshakes to great each other or tell others the gang to which they belong. Some gang members great other members by holding up two fingers. Failure to give proper gang hand signals could lead to a beating.
A gang is usually a group of teens and young adults who spend much of their time together. They often plan how to carry out activities that usually involve violence. Gangs are known by particular names. They are organized with leaders and followers. Gangs usually claim a particular area of a city or town which they call their “turf”. They spend much of their time fighting rival gangs to keep them out of this territory.
Gangs Also:
Use special phrases, terms, or nicknames such as Shotgun, Loco, or Bounty Hunter. One term most gangs use is “stomping”- this means they use heavy boots to kick someone senseless. Mark or tattoo symbols or names on their bodies. Wear particular items, styles, brands, or colors of clothing. Some gangs wear bandannas of a certain color or baseball caps of a particular team. Use special hand signs or handshakes to great each other or tell others the gang to which they belong. Some gang members great other members by holding up two fingers. Failure to give proper gang hand signals could lead to a beating.
Meaning of gang,
what is a gang
Recent Survey - Teens & Gang
Recent surveys indicate that:
About 7 percent of teens say they belong to gangs.
Gang members usually range in age from 12 to 25 years old. The average age is 17.
Many large gangs have members of several age and ethnic groups. Some gangs may have specific ethnic groups, while other gangs contain only white members.
About 20 percent of all teens know someone who was killed or injured by gang members.
In some cities, as many as 70 percent of teens killed by guns are gang members.
Gangs are not a problem just in big cities. They have spread from the cities all the way to small towns and rural areas. Gangs- and the biolence they cause- are problems for everyone across the country.
About 7 percent of teens say they belong to gangs.
Gang members usually range in age from 12 to 25 years old. The average age is 17.
Many large gangs have members of several age and ethnic groups. Some gangs may have specific ethnic groups, while other gangs contain only white members.
About 20 percent of all teens know someone who was killed or injured by gang members.
In some cities, as many as 70 percent of teens killed by guns are gang members.
Gangs are not a problem just in big cities. They have spread from the cities all the way to small towns and rural areas. Gangs- and the biolence they cause- are problems for everyone across the country.
Survery on gang,
Teens and gangs
Are Gangs Big Problem in Our Society
Gangs are a big problem:
Gang violence shatters lives. Every day you see stories on TV news and read in newspapers about how gang violence disrupts lives and leaves a trail of blood. Here are a few articles.
Manchester, CT.:
For the first time in the history of this small town, police are having to deal with gang activity. Members of a gang have been beating up non-gang teenagers. Gang members kick, punch, or hit their victims with bats or clubs.
Los Angeles, CA.:
A drive-by shooting has left tho teens dead and eight wounded. One teen has been blinded and another paralyzed from the neck down. A three-month-old baby girl, in a house a block away, was killed by a stray bullet.
Houston, TX.
Shorty joined his neighborhood gang when he was 9 years old. The gang rewarded him with a gun when he turned 13. After that he thought nothing of shooting members of other gangs. Shorty, age 15, was found dead in an alley yesterday, apparently killed by a rival gang member.
Gang violence shatters lives. Every day you see stories on TV news and read in newspapers about how gang violence disrupts lives and leaves a trail of blood. Here are a few articles.
Manchester, CT.:
For the first time in the history of this small town, police are having to deal with gang activity. Members of a gang have been beating up non-gang teenagers. Gang members kick, punch, or hit their victims with bats or clubs.
Los Angeles, CA.:
A drive-by shooting has left tho teens dead and eight wounded. One teen has been blinded and another paralyzed from the neck down. A three-month-old baby girl, in a house a block away, was killed by a stray bullet.
Houston, TX.
Shorty joined his neighborhood gang when he was 9 years old. The gang rewarded him with a gun when he turned 13. After that he thought nothing of shooting members of other gangs. Shorty, age 15, was found dead in an alley yesterday, apparently killed by a rival gang member.
Some Top Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge for members
$ is Power and money
0-0 is Double ought buck shot or shot gun
000 is Blood
001 is Blood love
006 is Silence (used by Black Gangster Disciples)
013 is Get him; assault someone (Bloods)
023 is Watch your back (Bloods)
6-6-2 is MOB; Numbers represent letters on telephone keypad
6-6-6 is Symbol for Aryan Brotherhood, Folks and Crips; also satanic cults
6 Point Star (of David) - Symbolic to gangs within the Folk Nation
6 Poppin, 5 Droppin - Folk Nation - Term used to disrespect gangs in the People Nation; Folk Nation (6) members shooting at People Nation (5) members
7 is Refers to the 7th letter of the alphabet "G"; may represent G for Gangster or G for God (Five Percenters)
7-4 is Code for Gangster Disciples (7th & 4th letters of alphabet) - G.D.
737 is Numbers on telephone key pad representing PDS; Public Enemy Number One Death Squad
025 is What rank are you (Bloods)
031 is I am Blood
041 is Kill the Crip (Bloods)
13 is 13th letter of the alphabet-"M"; may be used for
marijuana or methamphetamine
13 1/2 is Represents: 12 jurors, one judge, half-ass chance
14 or XIV or X4 is Used by Hispanic gangs for Northern
California (14th letter of alphabet - N) - NorteƱo 14, Norte 14
18 is 18th Street Gang
18th Street - Hispanic Los Angeles street gang - aligned with
Mexican Mafia
211 is California penal code - robbery ; also Crip term meaning Blood Killer
(2nd and 11th letters of alphabet - B K
212 is NY City telephone area code (Manhattan); also Blood term
(Tampa, FL) meaning Blood Love
274 is Black Gangster Disciples (2nd, 7th and 4th letters of alphabet) - B.G.D.)
2-15-19 is Brothers of Struggle (2nd 15th and 19th letters of alphabet) - B.O.S.
2-7-4-14 is Code for Black Gangster Disciples Nation (B.G.D.N.- 2nd, 7th, 4th and 14th letters of alphabet)
23/24 is Inmates on lockup - 23 out of 24 hours each day
24/7 or 247 is Constantly -24 hours per day, 7 days a week
3 R's is Respect, Reputation, Revenge
88 is White Supremacist - Heil Hitler (8th letter of alphabet - H)
8-Ball - 1/8 is ounce of cocaine; alliance of Crips with the Folk Nation
is911 Warning that police are coming
311 is Used by Bloods meaning Crip Killer (3rd and 11th letters of alphabet -
312 is Crip Love - 3rd and 12th letters of alphabet - C L
360 is Folk Nation - numbers representing "full circle of knowledge"
360 degrees - A "pure" Black Gangster Disciple
5 - Number symbolic to People Nation
The following slang terms are Blood terms, used to disrespect Crips and the Folk Nation
5 in the sky.....6 must die - Revenge; a People Nation member was killed - a retaliation against the Folks Nation will take place
5%, 5%er is Five Percenters
5 Percent is Five Percenters
5 Point Star - Symbolic to the People Nation
5 Poppin, 6 Droppin - People Nation - Term used to disrespect gangs in the Folks Nation; People Nation (5) members shooting at Folk Nation (6)members
5-0 is The police
510 is Oakland, CA area code; used by some to identify the location of their gang or set
50/50 is Neutral; non-gang member
6 is Number symbolic to Folk Nation
Crip Code knowledge
0-0 is Double ought buck shot or shot gun
000 is Blood
001 is Blood love
006 is Silence (used by Black Gangster Disciples)
013 is Get him; assault someone (Bloods)
023 is Watch your back (Bloods)
6-6-2 is MOB; Numbers represent letters on telephone keypad
6-6-6 is Symbol for Aryan Brotherhood, Folks and Crips; also satanic cults
6 Point Star (of David) - Symbolic to gangs within the Folk Nation
6 Poppin, 5 Droppin - Folk Nation - Term used to disrespect gangs in the People Nation; Folk Nation (6) members shooting at People Nation (5) members
7 is Refers to the 7th letter of the alphabet "G"; may represent G for Gangster or G for God (Five Percenters)
7-4 is Code for Gangster Disciples (7th & 4th letters of alphabet) - G.D.
737 is Numbers on telephone key pad representing PDS; Public Enemy Number One Death Squad
025 is What rank are you (Bloods)
031 is I am Blood
041 is Kill the Crip (Bloods)
13 is 13th letter of the alphabet-"M"; may be used for
marijuana or methamphetamine
13 1/2 is Represents: 12 jurors, one judge, half-ass chance
14 or XIV or X4 is Used by Hispanic gangs for Northern
California (14th letter of alphabet - N) - NorteƱo 14, Norte 14
18 is 18th Street Gang
18th Street - Hispanic Los Angeles street gang - aligned with
Mexican Mafia
211 is California penal code - robbery ; also Crip term meaning Blood Killer
(2nd and 11th letters of alphabet - B K
212 is NY City telephone area code (Manhattan); also Blood term
(Tampa, FL) meaning Blood Love
274 is Black Gangster Disciples (2nd, 7th and 4th letters of alphabet) - B.G.D.)
2-15-19 is Brothers of Struggle (2nd 15th and 19th letters of alphabet) - B.O.S.
2-7-4-14 is Code for Black Gangster Disciples Nation (B.G.D.N.- 2nd, 7th, 4th and 14th letters of alphabet)
23/24 is Inmates on lockup - 23 out of 24 hours each day
24/7 or 247 is Constantly -24 hours per day, 7 days a week
3 R's is Respect, Reputation, Revenge
88 is White Supremacist - Heil Hitler (8th letter of alphabet - H)
8-Ball - 1/8 is ounce of cocaine; alliance of Crips with the Folk Nation
is911 Warning that police are coming
311 is Used by Bloods meaning Crip Killer (3rd and 11th letters of alphabet -
312 is Crip Love - 3rd and 12th letters of alphabet - C L
360 is Folk Nation - numbers representing "full circle of knowledge"
360 degrees - A "pure" Black Gangster Disciple
5 - Number symbolic to People Nation
The following slang terms are Blood terms, used to disrespect Crips and the Folk Nation
5 in the sky.....6 must die - Revenge; a People Nation member was killed - a retaliation against the Folks Nation will take place
5%, 5%er is Five Percenters
5 Percent is Five Percenters
5 Point Star - Symbolic to the People Nation
5 Poppin, 6 Droppin - People Nation - Term used to disrespect gangs in the Folks Nation; People Nation (5) members shooting at Folk Nation (6)members
5-0 is The police
510 is Oakland, CA area code; used by some to identify the location of their gang or set
50/50 is Neutral; non-gang member
6 is Number symbolic to Folk Nation
Crip Code knowledge
Blood and Crips Alphabets
Below are creative alphabets which members use for communication purposes.
Many of the gangs will alter or recreate the alphabet to a certain degree to suit their own use.
Below are creative alphabets which members use for communication purposes.
Many of the gangs will alter or recreate the alphabet to a certain degree to suit their own use.
Blood Alphabets,
Crips Alphabets
Origin of the Crip Gang Codes Symbols
Origin of the Crip Gang Codes Symbols
The crip gang code evolve as a result of increasing need for enhanced communication among members.
The gang code symbols is a way of tracking gang growth, affiliation. It is also use for providing members with information. Graffiti has been called the newspaper for gangs and communicates messages such as warnings, pronouncements, etc.
Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowdledge
The crip gang code evolve as a result of increasing need for enhanced communication among members.
Crip Gang code symbols is the common wa
y through which gangs communicate their messages to one another. Organized graffiti is one of the primordial signs that street gangs hold in their areas.
The gang code serves many purposes. All the functions of the various code symbols are understood by members.![](
The gang code symbols is a way of tracking gang growth, affiliation. It is also use for providing members with information. Graffiti has been called the newspaper for gangs and communicates messages such as warnings, pronouncements, etc.
Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowdledge
codes for crip gangs,
crip gang
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