In this write up, we will be discussing gang tattoos and gang tattoo removal for gangsters who want to remove their gang tattoo.
Why Gang Tattoos?
Gangsters use gang tattoos for purposes of identifying gang members. In addition to this, gang tattoos symbolizes commitment and allegiance to one's gang, and can also identify a particular crime, threat or other gang related event.
Gang Tattoos are also often used to send a message of intimidation and ownership to other gangs or gang members . The symbols are exclusive and only gang members are permitted to wear the group's mark.
Some Gang Tattoos
Teardrop(s) Gang Tattoos

This gang tattoo means the person is in sorrow for a fallen gang member. It can also be given to commemorate a loved one who died while the wearer was incarcerated
If the teardrop is filled in it could indicate the wearer killed someone. The number of filled teardrops usually shows the number of people a gang member killed.
Pictured: "Bloodhound", a 'shot caller' or boss with the LA Bloods gang, speaks to a reporter in support of granting clemency for Stanley 'Tookie'' Williams, co-founder of the arch rival Crips gang, on December 1, 2005 in Los Angeles, California.
African American Council Tattoo
Also known as the AAC
An African American Council tattoo may include a double outline of the African continent and the letters AAC or 113 which are the numbers that represent the acronym AAC.
Grandel Gang - Cardinal Tattoo
The Grandel gang is a small Security Threat Group in Glendale, Arizona made up of Mexican Americans. Tattoos for this gang often include the head of a cardinal.
New Mexican Mafia Tattoos
Members of the New Mexican Mafia must incorporate a skull, double skull, double "MM" and flames around a circle into their tattoos.
The double M must curve downward and cross at the bottom. This signifies that the member has crossed over from the original Mexican Mafia to the New Mexican Mafia, if he was a member of the former.
The large flames are to lean counter-clockwise and be partially shaded. The small flames lean clockwise and are supposed to be completely shaded.
The rose signifies that the member has successfully complete
Do you want to Remove Your Gang Tattoo? Yes! you should
Gang Tattoo Removal Program
There are a lot of reasons for possibly wanting a Gang tattoo removed. The positive element of gang tattoo removal is that you are no longer burdened with a gang tattoo you seriously regret. If a gang tattoo is holding you back from getting a job you want then a little pain and scarring may be worth it to you.
If you have a gang-related tattoo and are no longer associating yourself with that gang or any gang (good for you!), it would be in your best interests to have it removed. If you have a gang tattoo that symbolizes hate or prejudice, it is time for you to remove it.
If you have a tattoo that you wish to have partially or completely removed, you should first consider your options and decide which method might be best for you.
Laser Removal of Gang Tattoo
lasers are the most common method of removing your Gang tattoo today. laser tattoo removal work by targeting the ink with pulses of highly concentrated light that break the ink into tiny fragments, which are then cleared away from your own immune system. However, this isn’t all done with just one treatment. The more treatments you have, the more the laser can penetrate to destroy the ink. But, the more treatments you have, the more damage you do to your skin, causing painful blisters and scabs that can eventually lead to scarring. Experts in tattoo removal therapy say that technology has advanced to the point where scarring is minimal, sometimes non-existant, but this can vary depending on the situation.
On top of being physically painful (it has been described as feeling like being splattered with hot grease), laser removal can be painful to your wallet as well. Depending on your tattoo, you may need anywhere from 1-10 sessions, each costing in the range of $250-$850 per session. A large, professional tattoo in color could cost thousands of dollars to remove, and the effectiveness of the removal still isn’t guaranteed.
Gang Tattoo Laser Removal Machine
Tattoo Removal machine
Price $1,999.95Click Here to Buy
SDPL Standard Laser and Intense Pulsed Light System for Dermatology, Skin Treatmenmts, Tattoo Removal age spot removal, skin therapy, hair surgery, light therapy, stretch mark removal, rosacea and more
The SDL90-EC produces 220 J/cm2 per second energy density at 808nm with a pulse duration of 0.09 seconds. Pulse frequency is user-adjustable from 1-7 emissions per second. Unlike the Avance 'standard' lasers (SLD15, 30, 50, 80 and 100 units) the SDL EC (epidermal contact) line is designed for the laser handpiece to be in contact with the skin. This allows for far greater absorption and penetration of the laser energy to the desired tissues With standard surface laser epilation, a significant percentage of the laser energy simply bounces off the skin or is absorbed by the hair itself. This creates quite an impressive effect as the laser 'shaves' the hair as it treats the follicles below. However, of 180J/cm2 second of energy delivered the traditional way, only about 120 J/cm2 will pass through the skin. This is why the SDL EC line was developed. This hair removal laser is intended to be used in conjunction with a topical gel paste (which also contains lidocaine for additional patient comfort). As the tip of the laser instrument glides across the gel-coated skin it delivers high fluence pulses deeply into the desired tissues. The results are faster and more substantial than standard surface laser epilators. Each power pulse has an effective treatment area of 15mm wide and feels like a brief pinch. Very few patients would describe the procedure as 'painful'. For those few individuals who have a high degree of neural sensitivity, the use of a mild topical anesthetic is encouraged. Average safe and effective values for output intensity (fluence) and pulse frequency are included in the instruction material for various skin photo types.
Intense Pulsed Light Therapy for Tattoo Removal
Intense Pulsed Light Therapy, or IPL, is a dermal enhancer currently being used in some spas. Instead of laser light, it uses high intensity light in pretty much the same manner. A gel is applied to the skin and then a wand is used to emit pulses of light onto the skin area being treated. This method is said to be less painful and more effective than traditional laser therapy, but there are many tattoo removal experts who do not recommend IPL.
Gang Tattoo Removal Using Cream
Wrecking Balm Tattoo Removal & Fade System

Honestly, I have not tried the tattoo removal cream listed below. You can give the a try if you have a tattoo.
- No Laser Burning
- Only 9 Minutes Per Week
- 3 Step Suffusion Microdermabrasion Process
- FDA Approved